Why Jouku
Flexible Insights & Reporting
Our robust insights & reporting tools make it easy to get the answers you need to make more informed hiring decisions, achieve your growth goals and get measurably better at hiring – all within Jouku.
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hiring flexible advance reporting
More than the 900+ companies trusting Jouku.

Pre-built reports

Get started quickly with pre-built reports

Easy reporting – Utilize 40+ pre-built reports tailored to address stakeholder questions from across your organization.

Instant insights – Get fast answers about your hiring goals progress, sourcing strategies, pipeline health and more.

Automatic updates – Automate report distributions to keep everyone who needs to know in the know.

pre-built hiring reports

Custom reports

Create custom reports to get more specific information

Advanced data filtering - Make filtering data straightforward and streamlined with intuitive workflows and live report previews.

Recruiting analytics - Build recruiting reports by candidates, sources, departments, jobs, offices, offers, openings, custom fields and more.

Easy customization - Use boolean searches and multilayer filtering right from the Greenhouse platform so you always have access to the answers you need.

advance hiring reporting to filter specific information


Evaluate the impact of your DE&I efforts

Stats for every stage - Measure the diversity of your hiring funnel and calculate pass-through rates at every step of your hiring process.

Sourcing ROI - Better understand where to invest your resources by determining which hiring channels reach the most diverse and qualified candidates.

Demographic data - Combine demographic data and candidate survey results to improve the candidate experience.

hiring user survey report


Drive team accountability with report dashboards

Ease of use - Promote greater accountability for your team through easy-to-use dashboards that deliver key insights – without ever having to pull a report.

Save time - Gain clarity and discoverability across any data point, with insights available to any team member to ease recruiting operations strain.


Connect Jouku data to your favorite BI tools

Easy exports – Export Jouku data to your spreadsheets, dashboard or business intelligence (BI) tools.

BI connector – Integrate with tools like Tableau, Power BI and Looker to combine your Jouku data with other HR, performance and business data.

Learn how to maximum your posting results

  • Design
    Jonse robbert
    10 Elements must included in your branded career page.
    Read the article
  • Benefits
    Den viliamson
    10 benefits that your company shall have a branded career page.
    Read the article
  • Branding
    Rosald smith
    10 great careers page examples to Inspire Yours.
    Read the article
Ready to start hire better?

Create an account instantly to get started with unlimited job posting on your company's career page to grow your business.

Get started for free
Post unlimited jobs on 200+ job sites. All verified account can post unlimited jobs on your career page and distribute to 200+ job sites. Job posting partners
100% free. Verified account can enjoy free job posting. Price details
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