“External Service”: Any software used by Jouku in connection with the provision of the Service which is administered by a third-party. External services include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: DNS servers, hosting providers, email servers, and the like.
“Unavailable”: each Service licensed to Licensee pursuant to an applicable Order Form will be considered unavailable for the purposes of this SLA if the Licensee is unable to access it.
“Monthly Uptime Percentage”: Calculated by subtracting from 100% the percentage of total number of minutes during the month in which the Service is Unavailable, except where such unavailability results from the causes listed in the Exclusions section below.
“Planned Downtime”: Planned Downtime is any instance where Jouku intentionally causes the Service to be Unavailable, provided that (i) such instance is done for purpose of reasonably updating, upgrading or maintaining the Service or its underlying infrastructure (for example, without limitation, operating system upgrades, hardware repairs, database backups, data center moves, or the like); (ii) such instance occurs outside of normal business hours (9am – 9pm U.S. Eastern Time Monday – Friday, U.S. Federal holidays excluded); and (iii) in each such instance, Jouku uses all reasonable efforts to provide notice to Licensee at least 48 hours in advance.
“Service Credit”: A Service Credit is a credit to be applied to Licensee's next payment of fees to be awarded to Licensee in the event of Unavailability not attributable to the Exclusions set forth below. In the event that Licensee's fees have been fully paid and Licensee's Jouku subscription does not renew, any outstanding Service Credits accrued during the term of the Agreement will be paid out to Licensee at the end of the term as a partial refund of prepaid Fees. Service Credits will be awarded in increments equal to one (1) day of fees paid pursuant to the Agreement between Jouku and Licensee.
Service Credits will not be awarded in the event of any of the following:
Service commitments
Licensee may receive Service Credits by providing a written request to Jouku no later than 30 days after the last day of the month during which the Unavailability for which such Service Credits are being applied occurred.
Guarantees for Jouku's Primary Recruiting Application:
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage is less than 99.5%, 5 Service Credits will be awarded.
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage is less than 99.0%, 10 Service Credits will be awarded.
Guarantees for Job Boards hosted by Jouku:
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage is less than 99.9%, 5 Service Credits will be awarded.
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage is less than 99.5%, 10 Service Credits will be awarded.
If Licensee is awarded more than 15 Service Credits in a 90-day period, Licensee may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, terminate this Agreement immediately for cause by providing written notice to Jouku and will be entitled to a refund of any prepaid fees covering the period from the date of termination through the end of the term.
If the Monthly Uptime Percentage for either the Primary Recruiting Application or the Job Boards hosted by Jouku is less than 90% in a given month, whether attributable to Jouku or its External Services, Licensee may, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, terminate this Agreement immediately for cause by providing written notice to Jouku and will be entitled to a refund of any prepaid fees covering the period from the date of termination through the end of the term.