Plan & Pricing
More than 1 million talents has been hired on from our 900+ enterprises, 50,000+ individual recruiters and 15,500+ SMB clients.
Unlimited job posting
Talent requisition forms
Careers page builder
Referrals portal with reporting
Custom application forms
Resume parsing for job applications
AI-powered writing assistant
Unlimited job templates
Linkedin sourcing Integrations
Social media campaigns
Anonymized screening
Gmail calendar integration
Candidate self-scheduling
Multi-part interview scheduling
Zoom integration
Share candidate
Custom candidate profiles
Unlimited interview templates
Unlimited email templates
Unlimited offer templates
E-signatures & offer letters
Offer letter approvals
Custom hiring pipelines
Department hierarchy
Candidate surveys
Hiring insights
Advanced reporting
Advanced career page design
Developer sandbox
Advanced anonymization
Developer sandbox
Event management
Implementation and support
Data export feature
Native language options
Integration ecosystem
Advanced anonymization
Create an account instantly to get started with unlimited job posting on your company's career page to grow your business.
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